TITLE. Start with your title– and subtitle. Make them good.
THRIFTY 3-5. Next, give us your 3ish-sentence elevator pitch. Keep it lean but cover all the bases. Say all and only what we need to hear. Be clear. And be sure it unpacks your Title/Subtitle.
THREE FIFTY. On to your 250-350 word overview. This is like an abstract. Be clear. And be sure it unpacks your Thrifty 3-5.
TABLE OF CONTENTS. Finally, you can dive into your TOC. Include titles and sub-titles of chapters, and 150-250 words overviews per chapter. Be clear. And be sure it unpacks your Three Fifty.
Now rinse and repeat. Repeatedly. Weekly. Sometimes daily. Sometimes more often and sometimes less often. And note: Any change in the tetrad requires you to revisit all 4 levels. Tinker–but tinker comprehensively up and down the levels making changes (or not making changes) as needed.